Dairy Free Whipped Cream

Oh how I love whipped cream!  Atop waffles, hot chocolate, angel food cake, berries, and the list goes on.  But as someone who does not react well to dairy, my stomach does not love whipped cream…unless it does not have dairy in it that is.  So coconut whipped cream to the rescue!  I have experimented a bit with freezing, refrigerating etc. to achieve my favorite dairy free whipped cream.  And admittedly, I was nervous that there would be too much coconut flavor, but with a few additions, it tastes like the familiar dairy filled whipped cream that I love.  I hope you enjoy it too!

Coconut Whipped Cream
An easy dairy free whipped cream, perfect for a dairy free desserts or to top hot chocolate, coffee, waffles, berries, and pancakes.
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  1. 1 can coconut cream or full fat coconut coconut milk
  2. 1 to 2 Tbl. of powdered sugar
  3. Optional: 1 tsp of vanilla
  4. Optional: 1/4 tsp. of almond extract
  1. Put a can of coconut cream (or coconut milk) upside down in the freezer.  Let freeze for 1 to 2 hours.
  2. Remove can from the freezer (do not shake it) and open it.  Scoop the cream into a bowl. It should not be so hard that you have to chisel the cream out of the can. If it is, let it warm up on the counter for awhile.
  3. Mix with an electric mixer until mixed, about 30 seconds.
  4. Add in the powdered sugar and vanilla and/or almond extract. If you want it a little thicker, add additional powder sugar. I love the flavor of adding in both the vanilla and almond extract.
  5. Beat at high speed until it is creamy and peaks.
  6. Serve immediately or refrigerate.
Magbo Collective https://libbyhdesignstudio.com/